Foxey was a fashion diva Pomeranian that lived in northwest Florida. We adopted Foxey in 2001 at an auction from a man who ran a puppy mill. The man was feeding her cat food, which is harmful to dogs.

Foxey loved to pose for the camera and play dress up. This was back when dressing your animals was rare, and animal outfits were hard to find. Coincidentally, building and dressing stuffed animals were popular, and those outfits fit Foxey perfectly.

While Foxey was not a registered therapy dog, she was defiantly mine and became one of those around her. Foxey went everywhere with me, and my being quadriplegic meant lots of time in therapy centers, doctors’ offices, and hospitals. People loved her, and she became an inspiration for all.

We were constantly asked what breeder we got her from and were surprised when we stated she was a rescue. This led to us joining the Adopt Don’t Shop Movement and helping people to realize rescues can make just as good companions.

This also advanced to working with animal control creating calendars to help raise funds to care for the animals.

And this is how Foxey’s fabulous adventure was born.

Foxey’s Life Mission

Foxeys whole mission in life was to help as many animals as she could find there forever homes. Below you will see just a few of the animals she helped over the years.

Girl in a jacket

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